Weak Hip Stabilisers in Runners

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Running injuries part 2 – weak hip stabilisers

Weak hip stabilisers in runners are one of the most common causes of injury in runners. Are there any Leeds Half Marathon runners out there? Maybe you ran at the weekend and enjoyed your half marathon experience so much that you are now looking to try and improve your running performance and start running faster? Or maybe you just want to train and race injury free? This blog is looking at the role of hip stabilisation in runners and why hip stabilisation is important. If you missed last week’s blog on tight hip flexors then you can (click here)

What are the hip stabilisers?

You probably hear people talking about your ‘gluts’. Well more specifically they are the gluteus maximus, minimus and medius or your bum muscles. More specifically it is the gluteus medius muscle that plays a key role in hip stabilisation and stops us swaying from side to side as we run.

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Gluteal muscles

If the glut med muscles are weak then you get excess movement in the pelvis that can lead to altered pelvic movement and strain on the lumbar spine. You might get away with poor hip stabilisation if all you do is sit and walk all day. But start training 10, 20 or 30 + miles a week and the excess forces placed on the pelvis start to take their toll.

Not just low back and pelvic pain

Poor hip stabilisation has been linked to increased incident of iliotibal band syndrome and patellofemoral problems and a host of other lower limb conditions such as plantar fasciitis and shin splints. This is because excess movement at the hip will alter forces and rotation through the lower leg and knee. For example, weak hip stabilisers can cause too much inward rotation of the femur (thigh bone) leading to excess strain on the iliotibial band.

Read the next blog for some great exercises on how to assess for weak hip flexors and how to strengthen the hip flexors f you find you have weakness.

If you want to discuss your running style or any running injury with our chiropractor here at Revive Chiropractic please call 0113 347 2801 to make an appointment. Alison Eaves has clinics across West Yorkshire.