Back pain putting people in Yorkshire off exercise

Revive Chiropractic is urging people to be aware of the benefits of exercise for improving their back health this World Spine Day (16th October). Back pain is cited by many as a reason for not exercising. In fact new research has found 39{8c34c0d03372d798e22443fa1cd79a4c0c458739bec8c1532104b8390ef42220} of people in Yorkshire have been prevented from exercising due to back pain or neck pain;

Leeds chiropractor Alison Eaves comments: “We really want as many people as possible to get out there and enjoy sports. Moderate exercise is essential to build and maintain strength and flexibility. Exercise also plays a role in improving posture and protecting you from any further pain.”

“The spine is naturally strong and stable. So it’s worrying to find that so many people are being prevented from staying active due to back pain. While total rest may seem like a good way to recover, often continuing moderate physical activity will help in the long run. Your local chiropractor will be able to advise on what is right for you.”

Top tips for exercising without back pain

Leeds chiropractor Alison Eaves has developed these top tips to help you to exercise safely:

  • Know your equipment: When trying a new activity, it’s always best to make sure you ask your instructor how your equipment should be set up. Make sure it’s right for you. For example, if you’re cycling or spinning, you need to set your saddle and handlebar to the correct height. Make sure you are in a comfortable position that isn’t putting tension on your neck or back.
  • Know your limits: Even professional athletes aren’t born ready, it takes time to build the intensity of your practice. If you try a new sport, or want to intensify your workout, it’s important to take a slow approach and not to push your body’s limits. It is always advisable to visit a professional who can assess your body’s capabilities and advise on a safe way of training based on your body’s limitations
  • Warm up and cool down: Before starting any form of physical activity you should warm up properly.  Warm up any muscle groups which might be affected whilst you exercise. No warm up could result in pain and injury
  • Reduce the impact: If a previous injury is causing you pain, adapt your exercise to reduce the impact on your joints and muscles. Activities such as swimming, walking or yoga can be less demanding on your body keeping your joints mobile!
  • Not all exercise is the same: The fittest of athletes will still find it difficult to adapt to a new sport. Each sport uses some muscle groups more than others. Always approach a new activity with care and don’t assume that you can jump in at the deep end!

Where to find further advice on back pain

If you are experiencing pain for more than a few days then seek professional help. An undiagnosed problem could lead to longer-term problems if left untreated. The BCA has also created a programme of 3-minute exercises, Straighten Up UK. These can be slotted in to your daily schedule to help improve posture and prevent back pain. They also promote balance, strength and flexibility in the spine.

Should you wish to contact Alison Eaves at Revive Chiropractic please call 0113 347 2801 or go to Revive Chiropractic has clinics across Leeds.