Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy (2)

Changes in pregnancy may affect the body in a number of ways. Some of these changes are a direct result of the mechanical changes of the developing foetus and others are more general affecting the arms and legs. Fluid retention and weight gain during pregnancy may predispose women to muscle cramps, carpal tunnel syndrome (pain, pins and needles and/or numbness in the thumb first and the first two fingers) and meralgia paraesthestica (pain and numbness down the front and outside of the thighs from compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve). Compression of nerves in the low back can lead to leg pain or sciatica.

The uterus itself is kept in place by a series of ligaments and connective tissues and any tension or torsion (twisting) in these structures can cause discomfort. The uterus is connected to the pelvis via the round ligament, broad ligament, posterior ligament and uterosacral ligament. Treatment often includes gentle stretching of these structures or sometimes supervised exercises to increase the general muscle tone of the pelvic floor muscles, pelvic ligaments and surrounding connective tissues.

Symptoms of pelvic girdle pain (PGP)

• Pain across the low back

• Pain on weight bearing on one leg or walking

• Pain on straddling movement e.g. getting in/out of car or bath

• Grinding or clicking in hips and/or pelvis

Chiropractic treatment/manual therapy aims to

• Lengthen the muscles and normalise muscle tone

• Relax muscle trigger points (hypersensitive bands of muscle fibres)

• Reduce pain and tenderness

• Improve joint mobility if found to be restricted

• Greater control of body movements and awareness of body positioning

If you or somebody you know may benefit from chiropractic care during or following pregnancy please call 07828 686026 and book an appointment.