Milton Keynes Marathon 4 days to go!! Chiropractor Alison runs the Milton Keynes Marathon

Our Chiropractor Alison is running the Milton Keynes Marathon on Monday 6th May.

Marathon day is almost here! After all my chat it’s time for action and for me to drag myself around the 26.2 mile Milton Keynes Marathon. The event takes place on Bank Holiday Monday and as well as the full marathon there is also a half marathon taking place meaning around 5,000 runners will be participating

I’ve yet to pack my kit bag for the weekend but I’ve already ordered my carbohydrate heavy pasta meal at my parents on Sunday night. The 4 hour pace band is prepared (and a 4 hour 10 in case I’m a bit slower) so fingers crossed I can break the 4 hours.

I will let you know how I get on!