The Queen Visits Leeds : no sign of back pain for this pair!

So I happened to be in Leeds city centre today and was fortunate to see the Queen and Prince Philip on their visit to Leeds. I was struck by just how well they both look given their respective ages of 86 and 91. I’m no royalist but what an inspiration to see Queen Elizabeth “working and looking so fit and mobile. Whether you love the royal family or not, how many of us can say that when we are 86 and 91 years old we could manage the same thing?

I don’t know what the secret is in their case but it is certainly something we should all strive for. A healthy lifestyle consisting of a balanced diet and regular exercise really can go a long way to keeping our bodies fit and mobile. Chiropractors are not just here to help with back pain and neck pain but we also try to encourage patients to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. The news this week has been full of the recent research from Harvard University that questioned whether lack of exercise was comparable to smoking in terms of risk factors more major diseases. The evidence really is stacking up now and we need to go beyond the fad of dieting and artificially low fat and low sugar foods and start eating properly and exercising regularly. And with the Olympics now so close what more inspiration do you need to start ?